

Though moles wreak havoc on yards by leaving hills and trenches, there is nothing you can do to prevent a mole infestation.

  • They are 5-7in in length
  • They have short soft grey to brown fur
  • Their fur covers everything but their muzzle (mouth), feet, and tail
  • They have no visible eyes or ears
Behavior, Diet & Habits

Moles eat earthworms, ants, beetle grubs and other arthropods living in the ground. A small portion of their diet does consists of seeds and vegetable matter, but they are not known to eat bulbs or roots of garden plants.


Females produce 3-5 young in March and early April. They will usually only have two litters each spring.

Signs of an Infestation

Moles wreak havoc on yards, leaving hills and trenches from their underground deep and shallow tunnels. Moles use shallow tunnels, dug at a rate of 6 meters per hour, for feeding. The tunnels allow the moles to move about. The number of mounds do not indicate how many moles you have, rather, they indicate that moles are present on your property.


There is nothing you can do to prevent moles. However, mole control begins with an inspection by your pest management professional. After the inspection, your pest management professional will provide you with a plan for eliminating moles.

Get In Touch




12324 E. 60th St Tulsa, OK 74146


Monday to Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday:  By Appointment Only