
(Dermacentor sp.)

When removing ticks from the skin, take great care to remove the whole tick.

  • They vary in color from grey to dark brown
  • They have 4 sets of legs
  • They have two segments, a head and a rounded body
  • They are 2-5 mm in length
Behavior, Diet & Habits

You can find Ticks in highly vegetated areas and wooded areas. Both the females and males of most species feed on blood of mammals, reptiles, and birds. Different tick species have a preferred host, however, most ticks will feed on whatever prey is available to them. Ticks most commonly bite deer, livestock, cats, dogs, and even people.


Ticks have four stages of life: egg, larvae, nymph, and adult. Only the nymph and adults stages of ticks bite and feed on blood. A female tick can lay up to 3,000 eggs and it takes almost two years for a tick to mature into an adult.

Signs of an Infestation

Ticks get inside homes by hitchhiking on pets, people or clothing. It is a good idea to always inspect pets, clothing, and children to make sure you are not bringing ticks inside. Ticks can become a problem if animals with ticks take refuge in crawl spaces or around our home.


Safe Removal

When removing ticks from the skin, take great care to remove the whole tick. We recommend using tweezers, as they are the most efficient. If you don’t have tweezers and need to remove a tick, it is important to wash your hand prior to removal. Grip the tick as close as possible to the tip of the head and pull, making sure the mouthparts are also thoroughly removed from the victim’s skin. Once removed, isolate the specimen inside a bottle with a lid. Wash your hands and the affected area. If the victim has medical concerns, he or she should see a medical doctor.


Inspect your pets regularly to reduce the risk of tick-borne diseases. Remove feeding ticks immediately. You veterinarian offers many treatments to help control ticks on your pets.

Control and Prevention

Ticks seek safety in hidden locations. We recommend that you repair any crevices or gaps and keep grass cut short to discourage infestations. We also recommend disposing of all empty bird and rodent nesting materials, as ticks will readily infest these items. We recommended that if you are experiencing a tick infestation to contact a pest control professional to arrange for a consultation. Professionals are trained not only to address current infestations but also to prevent future infestations.

Get In Touch




12324 E. 60th St Tulsa, OK 74146


Monday to Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday:  By Appointment Only